Inflating the band restricts the passage of food into and through the stomach and reduces the amount a person needs to eat in order to feel full. Weight loss occurs because people get full much faster, therefore less food is ingested.
The LAP-BAND is inflated in an outpatient setting in established increments over a period of time to provide continued weight loss. Adjustments are often carried out in the X-ray department.
They are done there so the reservoir can be clearly seen. When X-rays are used, your reproductive organs should be shielded.
Sometimes adjustments can be done in an outpatient clinic or office. Local anesthesia may or may not be needed. A fine needle is passed through the skin into the reservoir to add or subtract saline. This process most often takes only a few minutes. Most patients say it is nearly painless.
Patients that had the LAP-BAND placed by other surgeons, are always welcome in our filling center to continue the follow-up.
If you had LAP-BAND surgery a few years ago, you might still need fills. The long-term follow-up is the key for success.