Every one of our patients is special to us and we are doing our best to get everyone on the surgical schedule as soon as it is safely possible.
Your deposit should be in the form of cash, cashier’s check, money order, Master Card, or Visa credit card at least 48 hours prior to surgery. In case of personal checks or Paypal, the payment should be one week before your scheduled procedure.
With today’s cost of elective and non-elective medical procedures, many patients rely on monthly pay-ment options. PLEASE CALL US FOR FINANCING AND LAY-A-WAY OPTIONS THAT ARE AVAILABLE.

Package. Includes. In the case of band pack-age includes fda approved gastric band.
- Preoperative lab work up.
- Nutritional assessment.
- Preoperative and medical follow-up.
- Hospital (outpatient or one night) and laparo-scopic room cost.
- Hospital ande outpatient prescription medications.
- Surgeons, assistants and anesthesiologist fees.

Mini bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass.
- Preoperative lab work up.
- Nutritional assessment.
- Preoperative and medical follow-up.
- Hospital (outpatient or one night) and laparo-scopic room cost.
- Hospital ande outpatient prescription medications.
- Surgeons, assistants and anesthesiologist fees.